Our norman producers headed to the AOP Cotentin cider
After having received the label AOC (Controlled Designation of Origin), the Cotentin Cider is now heading to the AOP Cotentin Cider (Protected Designation of Origin), the european label of this sign of quality.
First meeting in preparation for the AOP Cotentin cider*
Seven on the nine producers of Cotentin Cider gathered on Monday 24th April 2017 at the House of Cotentin and Bessin marsh regional park. Maud was also present to represent the l’INAO (National Institute for Origin Designation). The aim of this meeting was to answer to the first questionnaire sent by the european commission in order to check the coherence of the different parts of the AOC Cotentin Cider’s specifications.
Among other things, it was asked to explain in details the acidity, the butter, herbs and dried herbs scents. The aim was also to evaluate the consequences that can have the compulsory presence of grass (to soften the fall of apples) in the orchards applying for the AOC. Nothing complicated for our experienced producers.
A coming meeting dedicated to the AOP Cotentin Cider is planned in May to validate the answers before sending them the the european commission. For this occasion, a photo session will be organised, at the cider-making farm Théo Capelle in Sotteville, before the release very soon of a website dedicated to the AOC Cotentin Cider.
We can also note that the federation for the promotion of Cotentin Cider is going to join the IDAC, the Interprofession of Cider Designation, located in Hérouville Saint Clair. It gathers producers of Calvados AOC, Pommeau AOC and ciders AOC (pear cider Domfront, Pays d’Auge and the Cornouaille). The aim is to engage a collaboration, especially in the communication actions, modelled on what did the AOP Normandy cheese.
We remind you that you can find our farm dry cider, which recently received a gold medal in the category « Dry cider » AOC Cotentin Cider in our shops but also in our family cider-making farm « Les Vergers de la Passion » in Rauville-la-Bigot.
*Source : Article published in the Presse de la Manche on Tuesday 25th april 2017.